"London: A Pilgrimage" was conceived in 1868 by the journalist and playwright Blanchard Jerrold. Accompanied by the famous artist Gustave Dore, Jerrold prowled every corner of the heaving metropolis, sometimes with plain-clothes police for protection. "London: A Pilgrimage" is a forgotten classic of social journalism, a frank and brutal look at the poverty striken, gin-swilling London of the nineteenth century, written in a perceptive, bold and gripping style.
180 incredible etchings by Dore escort Jerrold on his odyssey through the pulsating city, into the Lambeth gas works, seedy opium dens and grubby bathing houses; peering curiously into the desperate lives of the flower sellers, lavender girls and organ grinders. "London: A Pilgrimage" is an enlightening work that brings to life the chaotic and gloomy past of a great city on the cusp of modern times.
ID: 68406
Тематика: Страны, Регионы и Города, История
Язык текста: английскийИллюстрации: есть
Тираж переплета: 100 экземпляров
Описание переплета:
Французский кожаный переплет ручной работы. Гравированный верхний обрез. Подарочный футляр.
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Москва, ул. Велозаводская, д.4
© Бутик «Эксклюзивные книги», 2013—2024
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